
Over time, exposure to the sun can cause increased and permanent pigmentation changes. Fluctuations in hormone levels, due to pregnancy or the menopause, as well as acne, can cause pigmentation concerns, changes or increases in pigmented areas.

Vbeam Laser

VBeam Perfecta pulsed dye laser can effectively and safely remove imperfections and skin discolourations such as age spots, freckles, facial redness, rosacea and other vascular or pigmentation abnormalities like thread veins and port wine stains.


HydraFacial is performed using a vacuum based skin abrasion tip which is loaded with various serums, specially formulated to target and combat different skin problems. The serums are clinically formulated to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Chemical Peels / Alumier MD

Chemical peels cause intentional damage to the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone. They improve skin texture and firmness, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

Dessee Light Therapy Mask

Déesee’s Pro LED Mask Next Generation takes light-therapy to an entirely new level. Harnessing the power of four different wavelengths – red light, blue light, green light and near infrared light.

Medical Grade Skincare

After a review of your skin we can outline a number of skincare options at various levels of investment that will help you deal with your pigmentation, its important to note that even if you were to go to a dermatologist for more invasive procedures they will always want you to be on a pigmentation skincare programme to start with or in conjunction with any treatment.